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Nicola Tesla’s 3-6-9 Theory

Introduction In his private journals, Nikola Tesla's frequent references to the numbers 3, 6, and 9 reveal a deep engagement with these figures. These numbers were not merely notations for taking breaks during his extended problem-solving sessions; they appear to embody a more profound significance. Speculations abound that for Tesla, these numbers were keys to unraveling the universe's mysteries. Some suggest a link to the Fibonacci sequence, while others ponder their role in a clandestine project of Tesla’s. The enigma of these numbers continues to captivate minds.

The Man Behind the Invention Born in 1856 in modern-day Croatia, Nikola Tesla was a prodigy in science and mathematics. After studying engineering at the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria, Tesla ventured to the United States, arriving in New York City in 1884 with minimal funds. His engineering skills soon attracted Thomas Edison’s attention, leading to a brief collaboration and subsequent rivalry. Tesla's innovations, including the Tesla coil and advancements in wireless communication and electrical power transmission, earned him renown. Despite his celebrity, Tesla was an enigmatic figure, often secluded and misunderstood by the media. His death in 1943 marked the end of an era for an extraordinary inventor.

The Obsession with Numbers Tesla's fixation on the numbers 3, 6, and 9 transcends mere fascination. These numbers, often scribbled in his journals during long work sessions, are thought to bear a hidden meaning, potentially a key to universal secrets. Theories vary from connections to the Fibonacci sequence to codes for Tesla's secret projects. The allure of these numbers remains potent.

The Secret of the Universe Tesla's belief in the numbers 3, 6, and 9 as universal keys was profound. He suggested that understanding these numbers would provide insight into the universe's mysteries. Despite the lack of clarity on Tesla's exact intentions, his conviction in these numbers as fundamental to understanding the cosmos remains a topic of intrigue.

A Connection to the Divine Beyond scientific inquiry, Tesla's preoccupation with 3, 6, and 9 might indicate a spiritual quest. Some theorize that these numbers were a conduit to the divine or a hidden energy source. The precise nature of Tesla's pursuit in this regard remains a mystery.

The End of an Era In the twilight of his life, Tesla's interest in the numbers 3, 6, and 9 waned, as did his engagement with his work. The cessation of references to these numbers in his journals has led to speculation: Had Tesla unraveled the mystery he sought, or had his passions simply dimmed? The true essence of Tesla's fixation with these numbers went to the grave with him, leaving a lingering enigma in the history of science.

The Math of It

Given the circle’s historical standing as the symbol of infinity/completion, it’s no wonder when a circle’s composition is reduced to its digital root, the results are— 3 + 6 + 0 = 9.

Because example trumps precept, or as Paul Halmos once put it, “the source of all great mathematics is the special case, the concrete example,” occasion calls for the following brief demonstration.

A circle has 360 degrees:

Split the circle in half:

The digital root of 180 = 9. Split that in half, you get:

The digital root of 90 = 9. Split that in half, you get:

The digital root of 45 = 9

22.5 = 2 + 2 + 5 = 9

11.25 = 1 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 9

5.625 = 5 + 6 + 2 + 5 = 18 . . . 1 + 8 = 9

2.8125 = 2 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 18 . . . 1 + 8 = 9

1.40625 = 1 + 4 + 0 + 6 + 2 + 5 =18 . . . 1 + 8 = 9

The Law of Three in Science “The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics.” Galileo is considered the Father of Modern Science primarily due to this grand insight. Yet so far as mathematics goes, Pythagoras told the world this:

“Numbers rule the universe!”

In an effort not to tumble down too deeply into the rabbit hole of metamathematics, just know number theory admits of the following insight:

Number theory, which forms the basis of mathematics, essentially deals with prime numbers (the DNA of the number world). Yet so far as the primes go, just as DNA in the body is comprised of 3 chemical subunits sequenced 3 at a time within genes, the “father” of all prime numbers is in fact the number 3.


For the above reason, number 2 is the only even prime number. Pause for a second, if you will, and truly chew on these vitamins for thought.

The number 3 serves as the only number that equals the sum of all preceding numbers (0 + 1 + 2 = 3). Also, when 3 is added to itself, the smallest perfect number ensues (6). And when 3 is squared, the result is the number that completes the single-digit numbers in the decimal system, better known as the number 9.

In short, because mathematics is the language of the universe, and the essence of mathematics consists of numbers, it’s apparent that number theory merely echoes the famed Latin phrase:

Omne trium perfectum (‘everything that comes in threes is perfect, or, every set of three is complete’).

Because example trumps precept, let’s briefly convince Father Time to rewind his hands and thereby convince Mother Nature to retell their story.

“Let there be light!” And then, like a gunshot, there came a flash followed by a — BIG BANG!

Afterward, the 3 elements of the universe (dark energy, dark matter and normal matter) blasted into existence, along with the triplets — space, time and matter. …

Afterward, space sliced into 3-dimensions . . . time chopped into 3 phases . . . and matter minced into 3 states.

Of course, for every spec of matter that arose, it found its equal and opposite reaction in antimatter. It was not until such binary opposition found its synthesis in that all-important “and one” — thus resulting in 3 entities — could the newborn Universe have started its long-awaited growth spurt.

Afterward, the 3 generations of quarks and 3 generations of leptons arose, to say nothing of the 3 types of color change. As for those quarks, 3 made their home in a proton and 3 quarks in a neutron. Indeed, the 3 main parts of an atom — neutrons, protons and electrons — ensued!

With the expansion of the Universe, 3 main types of galaxies emerged. Of course, contained within these galaxies were stars and planets, the result of which is 3 forms of massive objects (galaxies, stars and planets).

Amid such formation, Newton’s 3 laws of motion were at hand. Far into the future, at some distant galaxy known as the 3rd rock from the sun, 3 forms of natural laws would take effect. The stage was set for the 3-body problem indeed.

Just over 3 billion years ago, life made its grand appearance on the world’s stage. Finally, matter would unveil organisms armed with the trio of birth, life and death.

A watershed moment in the story of life came by way of a cyanobacterium’s entry into various plant lineages, 3 times, and afterward it evolved into a chloroplast. Eventually, the tree of life sprouted into 3 domains.

The Law of Three in Religion

The above insight is merely the tip of the iceberg!

Speaking of the metaphorical “iceberg,” popularized by Freud, not even he — the ultimate contrarian — armed with his notion of a three-part psyche,⁴ would’ve dared attempt to refute the mighty Law of Three!

Not even the three patriarchs of the Bible — Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — would’ve found fault with the mighty Law of Three.

Not even the Big Three of Greek philosophy — Socrates, Plato and Aristotle — would’ve dared to contend with the theorem birthed from the Pure Mathematics Code. After all, Genius Turner was born at 3:03 a.m. on Leap (Day) Year, which means 3 out of 4 years he lacks a birthday.

“There is something in this more than natural,” Shakespeare whispers from the grave, “if philosophy can find it out.”

Indeed, any sensible thinker who employs the 3 parts of their brain to metabolize the above vitamins for thought will have prepared the 3rd eye to behold Nature’s algorithm as expressed in the world’s religions.

“The voice of the people is the voice of God,” runs the proverb. Indeed, starting with the world’s oldest religion, Hinduism, it appropriately consists of the Trimurti. In the Far East, here lie the 3 teachings of Chinese philosophy — Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.

Last but not least, the Middle East is the cradle of the 3 Abrahamic religions — Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

As for Christianity, given that a staggering number of people have historically professed allegiance to this particular religion — roughly 33 percent of the world’s population — occasion demands noting how the Law of Three pervades the Greatest Story Ever Told.

According to the 3 synoptic Gospels, the 3 Wise Men bearing 3 gifts came to witness the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

King Herod hatched a plot to murder the prophesied “Messiah” — an assassination plot which would take some 30 years to come to fruition, that is, when one of Herod’s 3 sons silenced Jesus’ 3-year-long ministry.

In his ministry’s brief span, the Nazarene managed to raise 3 people from the dead, predicted his disciple Peter would deny him 3 times, all in the wake of his impending crucifixion.

It was only right that 3 crosses were present during the crucifixion, one for Jesus and two for the others. The Roman soldiers nailed a sign above the Nazarene’s head in 3 languages — Hebrew, Latin and Greek.

Of course, once Jesus “gave up the ghost,” just 3 days later he is said to have arisen from the grave. In so doing, the 3 grand feats of the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension signified the Holy Trinity was thus complete.

Jesus Christ underwent his birth, life and deathall within a span of 33 years!

In short, 3 letters about sums up the Christian view — GOD.

Better yet, Hinduism embraces the Sanskrit word for God (“Brahman”) and pronounces it: "om"

In Conclusion: the Secret of the Ages

So pervasive is the mighty Law of Three not even the world of sports is exempt. Take for instance Michael Jordan, widely considered the greatest athlete of all:

Jordan was drafted third by the Chicago Bulls. He would later go on to win 3 championships in a row, only to have retired for a few years. Upon return, he won 3 more championships. Jordan credits much of his team’s success to the famed triangle offense.

To truly grasp the above insight is to come to grips with why logic has three fundamental laws.⁵

As far as the universe is defined as a logically ordered whole, better known as a “cosmos,” not a chaos, it’s apparent why Nature’s cosmic algorithm checks and balances everything from the three-parts of the smallest atom to the checks and balances system of the largest U.S. government (three branches).



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